Sweden Photos 

OK, so really this should be called “Stockholm Photos” since we just hit the one town while there. But what a town! From the minute our crazy ferry from Helsinki dropped us off, we were awash in fun. And meatballs.

Everybody knows about the Abba Museum, but there was also the less well-known but amazing Museum of Dance, as well as the Vasa Museum, housing a giant ship that was the pride of the Swedish fleet for like, half an hour, before it sank on its maiden voyage.

But wait, there’s more: a super-fun amusement park, Gronalund, right in the center of town, and Skansen, an old-timey collection of Swedish houses and village life plus a zoo and a nice lunch buffet (try the meatballs!).

Oh, and it was Pride Week during our visit, so rainbow flags were everywhere from the shop windows to the correctional facilities. All that, and meatballs too? Stockholm, you are awesome!